Saturday, 19 February 2011

As mixed as a mix of mixed stuff.

Firstly, let me post this image for a competition. (We need to put the cover of Kiersten Whites new book somewhere to show it off, ahh the free publicity she'll get :D )

Secondly, is it weird that i didn't know that my phone had free msn on it? I've only had it for a year after all... :P

And thirdly, i have to copy my sister on this one and post my homework. It's just a questionnaire about landline or mobile phone use, feel free to ignore it if you wish. :)
Q1: How old are you?:
- 1-25 years - 26-50 years - 50+ years

Q2: Which of these would you prefer to use? (to contact people)
- Landline phone - Mobile phone
- Social networking site - others

Q3: How many times do you use your landline per week?
- 0-2 times - 3-6 times
- 7-10 times - 11+ times

Q4: Did you use the landline more when you were younger?

- yes - no

Q5: What improvements/changes would you make to landline phones so people would use them more? (feel free to put nothing if you dont have any ideas.)

This will be anonymous and will only be used in my english class and nowhere else. :)

Fourthly and lastly, how many of you have looked at/are going to do the A215 Creative writing course? I'm thinking of doing it, not necessarily this year cause i'm going to have a lot of uni work when it's on but what do you guys think about it?

Talk to you soon! (Hopefully) :D

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Why is life so dull?

Wow, a whole week and nothing much has happened...

Oh well, i thought you deserved a post anyhow. :) And here it is!


Yum, liquorice... I think it may actually be my favourite sweet. What's yours?
Boiled sweets?

You ever get that feeling when you finish a series of books or a tv series?
You know, where you feel kind of sad, like you miss the 'new-ness' of the series and you want to forget it just so you could watch it all over again...

If you hadn't guessed it, then yeah: I've got that feeling.

Damn 'Alice' and its awesomeness.

Talk to you later, hopefully not a whole week later though. :)
Over and out.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Mirror Mirror...

You know when you look at yourself in a photo you automatically go 'eugh'?

No, you say? Well, i suppose it's not everyone, but if you do then have you noticed something?
If you look at the photos long enough, you do actually think you look better after a while.

If you haven't guessed then yes: I have been staring at photos of myself. But it's not what you think! We had a photographer take some family photos of us and looked at them for an hour today. He took some really nice ones too.

Also, the second half of 'Alice' was sooooo awesome! I am now in LOVE with Hatter. Too bad he's married in the real world...sigh. Can't have everything. ;)

I'm hoping this blog will be more about writing later on when something happens.

So far i've only had one short story published, and that's in a small, obscure book called 'Write On' only on which is a mix of short stories from a writing competition.
I came 10th. :)

I might get this photographer to do my author picture when i eventually *cross fingers* get published... A girl can dream.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The end of an era...

So, my OU course is over.

Weird, it felt like it should have lasted longer... i suppose it was only a few months.

Hey, i learnt a tonne, and that's the most important thing.

For example, i learnt that i now don't completely detest writing in first person. I suppose this blog is one example of this, huh.

Why don't i post an example of my writing exploits you say? Well, because you asked so nicely: Be aware, i have dated the time i wrote this so it is essentially copyrighted so don't try stealing it. *Wags finger in a shameful way*
* * * * * * * * * * *

Her tiny chubby arms reached out to him, grasping the air with such desperation. He smirked and stroked her blonde hair; such tiny wisps. She fit perfectly in her mother’s arms, as if she was made for them, which, her mother supposed, she may have been.

The blanket the nurses had wrapped her in was so plain; just a pale pink to match the paleness of the hospital room: from the white bed in the centre of the room to the cold, white tiles on the floor and walls, it was bland. He couldn’t wait to get his little girl back to their home and dress her in one of the many little outfits their friends had bought for her. Her mother felt the same, on a subconscious level, but at that moment all she could do was stare into her little creation’s eyes and see the reflections of the harsh neon lights in them. Her blue eyes transformed them into starlight.

When they were out of that hospital room and back home, she twirled the baby around her new bedroom, the pictures of her family and friends blurred in the background, melting into the lilac shade of the walls.

Soft toys seemed to be the present of choice as her cot was full of them; yellow bears, pink rabbits, and grey elephants. Her husband placed a hand on her shoulder and drew her close, surveying the room, a smile glued to his face.

‘Welcome home, Isabelle.’ Her mother whispered.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

We're off to go antiquing, the wonderful world of antiques!

You ever found it strange how nice a day of browsing can be?

Well, guys may not, but i'm sure girls have.

It's weird how satisfying just wandering around looking at old trinkets is, it was fun!

I feel like i'm being a bit boring on this blog of mine, i shall try to channel some Kiersten White: Her blog is AWESOME!

I need to get some crazy back into my writing, crazy is fun to read.

You didn't expect that now did you?

So i started thinking about a piece of English coursework i have to write, my idea is about a girl with synaethsesia (I think that's how you spell it) who is in a mental institute. (It's only a short story)

You ever had that feeling about when you write: That the characters you're writing about already exist, you're just telling their story.
And when you pause writing about them they just go on living their little lives without you and you have to catch up with them when you re-start writing.

Well my character's decided to live her life and not fill me in on this little detail.

My mind is as blank as a blank thing... that is blank.

Oh well, i have a long time to write it yet.

Maybe if i poke her......

Friday, 28 January 2011

And now I can break into my own car.

Unless you didn't know, i have a twin. Just thought i'd let you know.

Well, today we were volunteering in the British Heart Foundation, (Partly because i needed something to do whilst looking for a job, but mostly for the charity part.) and one of the perks of volunteering there is that i get to nab things before they go out onto the shop floor. I found a cute pair of earrings this way today (Obviously i paid for them) which were little blue birds in gold cages, cute. :)

Anyway, this post was mostly about something funny that happened a week ago:
Me and my sister we putting our stuff in the car and (Stupid moment) i didn't ask her if she had the keys and we ended up locking both sets of keys in the car.
Before, we had left one of the doors unlocked (It was too close to the wall so no-one could get into it) so we could just about open it but could only fit our arm in up to its elbow.

So, we managed to make a contraption to wind down the window but it didn't work. Anyway, we managed to open the window by using a pipe and a hook: The pipe to push the handle down and the hook to pull it up.
Eventually i gave my sister a leg up and she wriggled into the car and unlocked the other door so we could pull the back seat down and get the keys and out school bags out. :D

Tada! We broke into our own car. Good times.

Alice through the looking...wonderland?

I don't know how many people have seen the new two-part 'Alice' but i happen to think it's awesome.

I do find it a smidge odd that it's kind of a mix of 'through the looking glass' and 'in wonderland' because she falls through a looking glass after following a guy called 'the white rabbit'... weird.

The action is so cool and the possible romance between her and the hatter rocks!

I know this is just a distraction from my writing but i love it all the same. :)
Talking of writing, i'm starting my English Language coursework soon and i thought i'd share the possible idea i have for it. (It being a piece of original writing or 'writing to entertain' as we were briefed.)

The idea so far is of a woman with synaesthesia, in this case she see's smells, who possibly works in a pie shop (shown in a flashback) and is put into a mental institute (This is set in the 1800's) because they think she's crazy. It's only a short story, like 1500 words or so, but i relish the opportunity to write on any occasion. (Even though i may be stuck in a period of writers block to do with my novel at the mo.)

Sigh, TV is my addiction. :)

Thursday, 27 January 2011

The first post is the hardest...

Hey, my name is Rebecca and i am an aspiring writer.

As i come close to going to university, i feel that i need to make a move on getting my writing career going.

This blog will hopefully be a place for me to write about my life and inspire me to finish my first novel. I hope, one day, i get to be a successful author. :)