Saturday, 29 January 2011

We're off to go antiquing, the wonderful world of antiques!

You ever found it strange how nice a day of browsing can be?

Well, guys may not, but i'm sure girls have.

It's weird how satisfying just wandering around looking at old trinkets is, it was fun!

I feel like i'm being a bit boring on this blog of mine, i shall try to channel some Kiersten White: Her blog is AWESOME!

I need to get some crazy back into my writing, crazy is fun to read.

You didn't expect that now did you?

So i started thinking about a piece of English coursework i have to write, my idea is about a girl with synaethsesia (I think that's how you spell it) who is in a mental institute. (It's only a short story)

You ever had that feeling about when you write: That the characters you're writing about already exist, you're just telling their story.
And when you pause writing about them they just go on living their little lives without you and you have to catch up with them when you re-start writing.

Well my character's decided to live her life and not fill me in on this little detail.

My mind is as blank as a blank thing... that is blank.

Oh well, i have a long time to write it yet.

Maybe if i poke her......

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha.....hold on (catch breath)...hahahahahahahahahaha you are awesomeness incarnate. and that it not just the genes talking :P
